Meet Matteo 
Name: Matteo Chiesa
Research interest: Nanoscale Science and Technology
Research Vision
At the nanoscale, electrical, optical, magnetic, thermal and mechanical properties of materials might be radically different from those in the macroscale. Nanotechnologists strive after the control of such properties for the development of more efficient technologies. Modern nano-materials and devices for example, achieve their impressive performance by relying on clever design and a fine balance of micro- and nano-mechanical properties. Arguably, it is the mechanical properties that are the major single factor determining performance of any material or operation of a device. On the nanometer length scale, yet another very significant physical dimension comes into play – temporal (or “time domain”) behavior of devices or materials. The examples of fast nanoscale physical phenomena range from magnetic or ferroelectric domains switching to lubrication in the hard drive, heat transfer in nanostructures, and functioning of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical) and NEMS (Nano-Electro-Mechanical) systems.
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International Journals and Proceedings
[1] Marwan Mokhtar, Muhammad Tauha Ali, Rajab Khalilpour, Ali Abbas, Nilay Shah, Ahmed Al Hajaj, Peter Armstrong, Matteo Chiesa, Sgouris Sgouridis “Solar-Assisted Post Combustion Carbon Capture Feasibility Study” Accepted for publication in Applied Energy 2011
[2] S. Santos, V. Barcons, A. Verdaguer, J. Font, N. H. Thomsonand M. Chiesa “How localized are energy dissipation processes in nanoscale interactions” Accepted for publication in Nanotechnology
[3] A. Alkhatib, T. Souier, and M. Chiesa “Size-dependent electrical transport mechanism on gold thin films at the Nanoscale by C-AFM” Accepted for publication in Thin Solid Films 2011
[4] K.R. Gadelrab, F.A. Bonilla, and M. Chiesa “Implications of the idea of effective tip shape on nanoindentation unloading curves: AFM measurements and FE simulation Accepted for publication in Journal of Material Science 2011
[5] Luis Rodriguez and Matteo Chiesa “Determination of two-photon absorption cross section by femtosecond thermal lensing experiment” Accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Optics
[6] A. Alkhatib, T. Souier, and M. Chiesa “Non-Ohmic Transport Behavior in Ultra-Thin Gold Films” Materials Science & Engineering B 2011
[7] D. Kraemer, B. Poudel, H.-P. Feng, J. C. Caylor, B. Yu, X. Yan, Y. Ma, X. Wang, 3 D. Wang, A. Muto, K. McEnaney, M. Chiesa, Z. Ren, and G. Chen Solar thermoelectric generators with flat-panel thermal concentration Nature Materials (2011) doi:10.1038/nmat3013
[8] D. Milani, A. Abbas, A. Vassallo D. Al Bakri, M. Chiesa “Evaluation of Using Thermo-Electric Coolers in a Dehumidification System to Generate Freshwater from Ambient Air” Chem. Eng Sci. 66, Issue 12, Pages 2491-2501, 2011
[9] Muhammad Tauha Ali, Marwan Mokhtar, Matteo Chiesa, Peter R Armstrong “Weather Driven Multivariate Regression Modeling for Estimation of Electrical Cooling Load” Energy and Buildings Vol. 43 Issue 1 Pages 28-37, 2011
[10] K.R.Gadelrab, and M. Chiesa “Influence of Nanoindenter Tip Radius on the Estimation of the Elastic Modulus” Proceedings of 2010 MRS Fall Meeting Art. No. MRSF10-1297-P03-47
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[11] Marwan Mokhtar, Muhammad Tauha Ali, Simon Braeuniger, Afshin Afshari, Sgouris Sgouridis, Peter R Armstrong and Matteo Chiesa, “Economic and Technical Assessment of Solar Cooling Technologies Case Study of Abu Dhabi, UAE” Applied Energy (2010), doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2010.06.026
[12] Soner Ozcan, Matteo Chiesa “Ballistic electron transport through Au/TiOPc/GaAs and Au/HBC/GaAs diodes” Accepted for publication in International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport 2010 doi:10.1260/1759-3093.1.2.171
[13] Ruiting Zheng, Yibin Peng, Guoan Cheng Kimberlee Collins and Matteo Chiesa “Influence of ion sputtering of silicon substrates on the catalyst morphology and growth of carbon nanotubes arrays” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Vol. 268, Issue 6 Pages 568-572 2010
[14] Aaron J. Schmidt, Ramez Cheaito and Matteo Chiesa “Characterization of thin metal films via frequency-domain thermo-reflectance” Journal of Applied Physics 107, 024908 2010.
[15] Matteo Chiesa, Mohamad Hadi Salam, Daniel Kraemer, Anurag Bajpayee and Andy Muto “Solar Assisted Method for Bitumen recovery” Exploration and Production: Oil and Gas Review 2010 8 (1)
[16] Aaron J. Schmidt, Ramez Cheaito and Matteo Chiesa “A Frequency-Domain Thermo-reflectance Method for the Characterization of Thermal Properties” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 094901-094901-6 2009.
[17] M. Chiesa, S. K. Das: “Experimental investigation of the dielectric and cooling performance of colloidal suspension in insulating media” Article in Press Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 335, Issues 1-3, 5 88-97 2009.
[18] Daniel Kraemer, Anurag Bajpayee, Andy Muto, Vincent Berube and Matteo Chiesa “Solar Assisted Method for Recovery of Bitumen from Oil Sand” Applied Energy 86, Issue 9, 2009.
[19] A. J. Schmidt,* J. D. Alper,* M. Chiesa, G. Chen, S. K. Das, K. Hamad-Schifferli, “Probing the gold nanorod-ligand-solvent interface by plasmonic absorption and thermal decay,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 13320–13323 2008.
[20] A. Schmidt, M. Chiesa, D. Torchinsky, J. Johnson, Avid Boustani, K. Nelson, G. McKinley, G. Chen “Measurement of aggregation in nanofluids exhibiting enhanced shear viscosity and thermal conductivity” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 244107 2008.
[21] D. Kraemer, L. Lu, A. Muto, G. Chen, X Chen and M. Chiesa: “Methodology for the design of optimized photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid systems” Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 243503 2008.
[22] A. Schmidt, M. Chiesa, X. Chen, G. Chen “An optical pump-probe technique for measuring the thermal conductivity of liquids” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 064902 2008.
[23] M. Chiesa, J. Garg, Y.T. Kang, and G. Chen: “Thermal conductivity and viscosity of water-in-oil nanoemulsions” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 326, 67-72 2008.
[24] M. Chiesa, “Towards compact separation of crude oil” World Oil 229 (4), pp. E-200-E-203
[25] A. Schmidt, M. Chiesa, D. Torchinsky, J. Johnson, K. Nelson, G. Chen “Thermal conductivity of nanoparticle suspensions in insulating media measured with a transient optical grating and a hotwire” J. Appl. Phys. 103, 083529 2008.
[26] J. Garg, B. Poudel, M. Chiesa, J. B. Gordon, J. J. Ma, J. B. Wang, Z. F. Ren, Y. T. Kang, H. Ohtani, J. Nanda, G. H. McKinley, and G. Chen, “Enhanced thermal conductivity and viscosity of copper nanoparticles in ethylene glycol nanofluid”, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 074301 2008.
[27] Melheim J. and Chiesa M.: “Simulation of turbulent electrocoalescence” Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 61, Issue 14, 2006, pp 4540 – 4549.
[28] Chiesa M., Ingebrigtsen S, .Melheim J.A., Hemmingsen P.V. and Hansen B.E.:“The role of viscosity on electrically induced coalescence of water drops in oil”. Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 50, Issue 2, 2006, pp 267-277.
[29] Chiesa M., Melheim J., Pedersen A., Ingebrigtsen S. and Berg G: “Forces acting on two water droplets in oil under the influence of an electric field: numerical predictions versus experimental observations”. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 24 717-732 2005 277.
[30] Melheim, J.A., Chiesa, M., Gjelsvik, A.: “Formulation and numerical performance of an adaptive algorithm for efficient collision detection” Proceedings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fluids Engineering Art. No. FEDSM2005-77042, pp. 377-383
[31] Chiesa M., Mathisen V., MelheimJ. and Halvorsen B. “Numerical simulation of particulate flow by the Eulerian-Lagrangian and the Eulerian-Eulerian approach with application to fluidised bed”. Computer and Chemical Engineering, 29 291-304 2005.
[32] Chiesa M., Skallerud B. and Gross D., “Closed form line spring yield surface for deep and shallow cracks: formulation and numerical performance”. Int. J. Computers & Structures, 80 533-545 2002.
[33] Chiesa M., Østby E., Skallerud B. and Thaulow.C.: “An engineering methodology taking into account the effect of local damage on the global behaviour of surface cracked shell structures”. Int. J. Applied Mech. and Engng. 7 267-293, 2002.
[34] Skallerud B. Chiesa M. and Holmås T.: “Integrated local/global analysis and fracture assessment of pipelines with defects”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering – OMAE 4, pp. 169-177
[35] Chiesa M., Nyhus B., Skallerud B. and Thaulow.C. “Efficient fracture assessment of pipelines. A constraint corrected SENT specimen approach”. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 68 Nr. 5 2001
[36] Chiesa M., Skallerud B. and Thaulow.C. “Fracture Analysis of strength-mismatched welded wide plates by line spring elements”. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 68 Nr. 8, 2001
[37] M. Mokhtar, S. Meyers, I. Rubalcaba M. Chiesa, P. Armstrong “A Model for Enhancing the Measurement of Heat Flux Sensors at Low Flux” Under Review Solar energy
[38] K.R.Gadelrab, and M. Chiesa “The Effect of Tip Rounding in Determining the Elastic Modulus from Nanoindentation Experiments” Under Review Journal of Material Science.
[39] K.R.Gadelrab, F.A. Bonilla and M. Chiesa “Densification modeling of fused silica under Nanoindentation” Under Review Journal of Material Research
[40] K.R.Gadelrab, and M. Chiesa “Numerically assisted interpretation of nanoindentation data” Under Review Journal of Material Research
[41] T. Souier and M. Chiesa “Role of local stain-hardening on the electrical conductivity and electrochemical properties of native oxide of 304 austenite steel.” Ander Review Acta Materialia
[42] Daniel Kraemer , Kenneth McEnaney , Matteo Chiesa, and Gang Chen “Modeling and Optimization of Solar Thermoelectric Generators” Under Review Solar Energy
[43] S. Santos, A. Verdaguer, T. Souier, N. H Thomson and M. Chiesa “Measuring the true height of water films on surfaces” Submitted to New Journal of Physics
[44] S. Santos, V. Barcons, A. Verdaguer and M. ChiesaObservation of multiple period orbitals and sub-harmonic excitation induced by water impacts at the nanoscale Under Review Journal of Applied Physics
[45] K. R. Gadelrab, S. Santos, T. Souier, M. Chiesa Disentangling the physical origins of energy dissipation in the nanoscale Under Review Applied Physics Letters
[46] Luis Rodriguez and Matteo Chiesa Photothermal phase shift interferometry: an approach for nonlinear absorption measurements Under Review Optics Letters
[47] Meyers, S., M. Mokhtar, M. Chiesa, M. Stefancich and P.R. Armstrong. “Determination of a luminance to radiant flux conversion ratio for concentrated solar flux mapping at the beam down solar thermal concentrator, Submitted to ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering.
[48] Meyers, S., R. Kalapatapu, L. Rodriguez, M. Mokhtar, M. Chiesa, M. Stefancich and P.R. Armstrong. “The Effect of non-lambertian reflections in concentrated solar flux mapping experiments and what to do about it” Submitted to Applied Optics.
[49] Meyers S., M. Mokhtar, M. Chiesa, and P.R. Armstrong. “Improved correlation between luminous intensity and solar flux for a beam down tower configuration” SolarPACES 2011 Conference, Granada.
[50] Kalapatapu, R., M. Chiesa and P.R. Armstrong. “Rotating Shadowband for the Measurement of Sunshape. Solar Paces 2011 Conference, Granada.
[51] T. Souier A. Alkhatib and M. Chiesa “Morphology-dependent Electrical Transport in Ultra-thin Gold Films: A Study Using Conductive-AFM” Accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies ICMAT Singapore 2011
[52] K.R.Gadelrab, and M. Chiesa “Investigation of the mechanical properties of thin films: A new analytical model” PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND APPLICATION OF NANOSTRUCTURES, Minsk 2011
[53] T. Souier A. Alkhatib and M. Chiesa “Simulation of Electrical Resistivity of Discontinuous Ultra-thin Metal Films” Accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies ICMAT Singapore 2011
[54] T. Souier, K.R.Gadelrab, E. Ostby and M. Chiesa “Microstructure and Phase content of HAZ in high strength steel weld by means of MFM and SEM/EDS” Accepted for presentation at the 9th International Congress on THERMAL STRESSES Budapest 2011
[55] Daniel Kraemer, Bed Poudel, Hsien-Ping Feng, J. Christopher Caylor, Bo Yu, Xiao Yan, Yi Ma, Xiaowei Wang, Dezhi Wang, Andrew Muto, Kenneth McEnaney, Matteo Chiesa, Zhifeng Ren, and Gang Chen “Solar thermoelectric energy conversion” 2011 MRS Spring Meeting
[56] K.R.Gadelrab, and M. Chiesa “Influence of Nanoindenter Tip Radius on the Estimation of the Elastic Modulus” 2010 MRS Fall Meeting
[57] M. Chiesa and W. Hamid “A holistic solution for compact oil treatment separation systems” Presented at ADIPEC 2010
[58] Mokhtar M., Rubalcaba I., Meyers S., Qadir A., Armstrong P. and Chiesa M.: “Heliostat field efficiency test of beam-down CSP pilot plant: experimental results” Presentation at SolarPACES 2010
[59] Meyers S., Qadir A., Rubalcaba I., Mokhtar M., Chiesa M. and Armstrong P.: “Development of a correlation between luminous intensity and solar flux for the beam-down tower configuration Presented at the SolarPACES 2010
[60] R. Cheaito, A. Schmidt and M. Chiesa: “Application of frequency domain thermoreflectance” Presented at the International Conference of Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies ‘FMNT – 2010’
[61] Matteo Chiesa, Yutaka Tamaura and Peter Armstrong “Concentrated Solar Power Deployment in the UAE: Research Needs” Presented at the International Conference on Renewable Energy Al Ain, UAE
[62] Marwan Mokhtar, Muhammad Tauha Ali, Peter R Armstrong and Matteo Chiesa, “Solar Cooling in Abu Dhabi- Prospects and Challenges” Presented at the International Conference on Renewable Energy Al Ain, UAE
[63] Muhammad Tauha Ali, Marwan Mokhtar, Matteo Chiesa, Peter R Armstrong: “Analysis of Weather Sensitivity to Electrical Demand in Abu Dhabi Island ”Presented at the International Conference on Renewable Energy Al Ain, UAE
[64] Ramez A. Cheaito Aaron Schmidt and Matteo Chiesa: “Effect of Higher Harmonics on Frequency-Domain Measurements for the Characterization of Thermal Properties of Thin Films” Presented at the International Conference on Renewable Energy Al Ain, UAE
[65] A. Muto, D. Kraemer, M. Chiesa and G. Chen: “Computationally Efficient Engineering Model for Thermoelectric Design” International Thermoelectric Society 2008
[66] D. Kraemer, L. Lu, A. Muto, G. Chen and M. Chiesa: “Optimization method for a photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybrid system” Energy Nanotechnology International Conference ASME08
[67] Chiesa M. and Simonsen A.J.:“The Importance of Suspension Stability for the Hot-wire Measurements of Thermal Conductivity of Colloidal Suspensions”. 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference” Australia 2007
[68] Melheim J. and Chiesa M.: “Formulation and numerical performance of an adaptive algorithm for efficient collision detection.” ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference USA 2005
[69] Chiesa M. and Melheim J.: “An efficient algorithm for the detection of neighbouring particles: prediction of the behaviour of a bubbling fluidised bed.” Third M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics USA 2005
[70] M. Chiesa, R. Olsen and J.A Melheim.: “Euler / Langrange simulation of a two-dimensional fluidized bed ” CFD2005 Trondheim Norway 2005
[71] Chiesa M. and Lundgaard L.:“Electrocoalescence modelling: an engineering approach”. 15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference” Australia 2004
[72] Chiesa M. and Melheim J.:“Behaviour of water droplets falling in oil under the influence of an electric field”. 15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference” Australia 2004
[73] Chiesa M., Berg G., Melheim J., Ingebrigtsen S.:“Modelling the forces acting on water droplets falling in oil under the influence of an electric field”. “5th Electro hydrodynamic International workshop” France 2004
[74] Melheim J., Chiesa M., Ingebrigtsen S. and Berg G.:“Forces between two water droplets in oil under the influence of an electric field”. “International Conference of Multiphase Flow” Japan 2004
[75] Thaulow, C., Østby, E., Nyhus, B., Skallerud, B. and Chiesa, M. “Fracture Control of Pipelines by Direct Calculations Based on Linespring Technology” Pipe Dreamer’s Conferance, 7-8 November 2002, Yokohama, Japan, Proceedings: ISBN 0 901360 31 7
[76] Chiesa M., Skallerud B. and Nyhus B., “Efficient numerical procedures for fracture assessment of surface cracked shells”. 2nd European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 2001.
[77] Chiesa M., Nyhus B., “A constraint-corrected SENT specimen approach for integrity assessment of pipelines”. 10th International Congress of Fracture, 2001.
[78] Chiesa M., Østby E., Skallerud B. Thaulow.C. and Nyhus B. “Simulation of Behaviour of cracks in welded pipes using line spring elements and advanced fracture models”. 10th Congreso Internacional de Ductos Mérida, Yucatá, 14-16 Noviembre del 2000.
[79] M. Chiesa, T. Souier and S. “Santos Local Characterization of Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials for High-performance Flat-panel Solar Thermoelectric Generators” International Workshop on Scanning Probe Microscopy for Energy Applications Mainz 2011
[80] Aaron Schimdt, Matteo Chiesa ”Characterization Of Nanoscale Liquid Films With Thermo-Reflectance Technique” First International Nanotechnology Congress Rubén Orellana 2010 Quito.
[81] Matteo Chiesa “Enhanced Separation Technology” Held on the 12th of March 2008 at the workshop on Management of Emission to Air and Water St. John’s, NF Canada
[82] Matteo Chiesa “Towards compact separation of water from crude oil” Held on the 22nd of March 2007 at INTSOK-Pemex, Ciudad del Carmen
Matteo Chiesa “The role of electric field in destabilizing water in crude oil emulsions” 6th of November 2006 at the NPF (Norwegian Petroleum Organization) conference on process technology Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica, Oslo
[83] P. Armstrong, A. Qadir and M. Chiesa “Liquid Air Transpired Solar Collector” Invention Disclosure Masdar Institute April 2011
[84] P. Armstrong, R. Kalapatapu and M. Chiesa ”Slit-optics, polar-axis shadowband radiometer and method for its use in mapping circumsolar radiation” Invention Disclosure Masdar Institute March 2011
[85] L. Hu, G. Chen, X. Chen and M. Chiesa “Sub – Wavelength Metallic Cone Structures as Selective Solar Absorber” Utility Application (Serial No. 61/119) December 3, 2008
[86] L. Hu, G. Chen, X. Chen and M. Chiesa “Sub – Wavelength Metallic Cone Structures as Selective Solar Absorber” MIT Case No. 13410 (2008) L. Hu, G. Chen, X. Chen and M. Chiesa “Sub – Wavelength Metallic Cone Structures as Selective Solar Absorber” MIT Case No. 13410 (2008)
[87] Anurag Bajpayee, Vincent Berube, Matteo Chiesa, Daniel Kraemer and Andrew Jerome. Muto “Method for Recovery of Bitumen from Oil Sand: An Environmentally Friendly and Energy Efficient Alternative to Conventional Oil Recovery of Unconventional Oil Reserves“, Provisional Patent 200813183
[88] Matteo Chiesa and Pål Jahre Nilsen “A separator apparatus and a separating method: Inline system for separation of phases”. Patent application number at Oslo Patentkontor AS: 2005 6231
[89] Pål Jahre Nilsen, Matteo Chiesa, Peder Hansson and Helge Lie Andersen “A fluid treatment tank and a well fluid processing system comprising such a tank: Combined LP tank”. Patent application number at Oslo Patentkontor AS: 2006 1206
[90] LVF: “Double block and bleed modular valve assembly – floating type. Installation, operation and maintenance instruction.” Doc DT05e-A Dec. 2003.
[91]Matteo Chiesa “Internal Report: Masdar Institute Australia Research Collaboration Potential: ME/MSE Focus” (client: Masdar Institute) 31/08/2009
[92]Chiesa M., Kvamsdal H.:“ Energy assessment of subsea production systems” SINTEF ARCHIVE, restricted document No 04-020-3953-0
[93]Hannisdal A., Ludena M., Albarzngy S., Chiesa M.:”Heavy oil separation: Qualification of the VIEC technology for the Jack field development” (client: Chevron) Project No 004610-09
[94]Chiesa M., Hannisdal A., Ludena M., Albarzngy S.:”Heavy oil separation: Qualification of the VIEC technology for the Frade development” (client: Aibel/Chevron) Project No 004610-10
[95]Hannisdal A., Ludena M., Albarzngy S., Chiesa M.:”Heavy oil separation: Qualification of the VIEC technology for the Bressay field” (client: Aibel/Chevron) Project No 004610-11
[96]Hannisdal A., M. Ludena, S. Albarzngy, Chiesa M.:”Heavy oil separation: Qualification of the VIEC technology by Aibel for the Captain field” (client: Aibel/Chevron) Project No 004610-12
[97]Luceda M., Strand R., Chiesa M. “Protocol for detailed operation” (client: Aibel/Pemex) Project No 004730-ATP-P-RA-0001
[98]Bjorklund E., Hannisdal A., Chiesa M. “Alkal B Test trial report, Technical Studies for the Treatment and Conditioning Analysis Determination of Maya Crude for Offshore Regions of PEP” (client: Aibel/Pemex) Project No 004730-ATP-P-RA-0004
[99]Chiesa M. “Challenges and Possibilities for electrostatic technology within the oil sand industry” (client: Aibel AS) Project 0047311
[100] Simonsen A., Chiesa M.:“ Multiple bubble model” SINTEF ARCHIVE ISBN No 82-594-2826-1, April 2005, restricted document
[101] Simonsen A., Chiesa M.:“ Modelling of non-spherical bubble” SINTEF ARCHIVE ISBN No 82-594-2793-1, Dec 2004, restricted document
[102] Chiesa M: “Environmental use of coal on Svalbard” SINTEF memo project No 16X484, 2004
[103] Chiesa M: “Review of gasification technology for coal application” memo project No 16X484, 2004
[104] Simonsen A., Chiesa M.:“ Modelling of an air-bubble expanding into water” SINTEF ARCHIVE ISBN No 82-594-2695-1, July 2004, restricted document
[105] Simonsen A., Chiesa M.:“ Investigation of initial air release” SINTEF ARCHIVE ISBN No 82-594-2649-8, April 2004, restricted document
[106] Are J. Simonsen and Matteo Chiesa. “Verification and improvement of the model for the prediction of the shuttle kinematic. Application to prototype design.” Technical TR F5907, SINTEF Energy Research, December 2003 restricted document.
[107] Simonsen A., Chiesa M.:“ Verification of the new 1D model for the Bolt gun outflow ” SINTEF ARCHIVE ISBN No 82-594-2546-7, October 2003, restricted document
[108] Chiesa M., Melheim J.A:“Turbulence calculation in the experimental set-up at the “observation point” ” SINTEF memo, project No 14X20220, 2003
[109] Norheim S, Chiesa M.:“Coalescence prediction: A macroscopic coalescence model” SINTEF memo, project No 14X20220, 2004
[110] Melheim J.A, Chiesa M.:“Droplet – droplet forces on meso-scale” SINTEF memo, project No 14X20220, 2003
[111] Chiesa M., Melheim J.A.:“Electrical forces due to polarization” SINTEF memo, project No 14X20220, 2003
[112] Chiesa M., Melheim J.A.:“Experimental set up design II” SINTEF memo, project No 14X20220, 2002
[113] Chiesa M.:“Experimental set up design” SINTEF memo, project No 14X20220, 2002
[114] Chiesa M., Melheim J. A.:“ Proper electrical force expression for the implementation in the spider code” SINTEF memo, project No 14X20220, 2002