Who we work with

mit We have ongoing projects with Prof Gang Chen of MIT. leeds-uni Dr Neil Thomson works with us in nanoscale sciences.
kgs We work with KGS Buildings on understanding and improving building energy efficiency. upc Dr. Josep Font and Victor Barcons from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya:  simulations and modelling.
pacific-northwest We have collaborators on energy within the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. CSIC Dr. Albert Verdaguer: Water interactions and surface  functionalisation. Hydrophylic – Hydrophibic interactions.
universidad Dr. Echevarria works with us on Laser Spectroscopy and Material Characterization. asylum-research Dr. Alessandro Bonilla works with us in the improvement of AFM techniques.
athens-uni Dr. Simos is collaborating with us in the fields of Nonlinear Optics and Plasmon Resonance. consiglio Dr. Stefano Rampino  is working with us on new converters for spectrally limited concentrated solar radiation.
sintef Dr. Erling Oestby Sintef is our collaborator at SINTEF. ferrara As above, Dr. Cesare Malagu is working with us on new converters for spectrally limited concentrated solar radiation.
uni-sydney We work with Dr. Ali Abbas from the University of Sydney. milano We collaboate with Dr. Maria Vittoria Diamanti from the Polytechnic University of Milan.