We have ongoing projects with Prof Gang Chen of MIT. |
Dr Neil Thomson works with us in nanoscale sciences. |
We work with KGS Buildings on understanding and improving building energy efficiency. |
Dr. Josep Font and Victor Barcons from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya: simulations and modelling. |
We have collaborators on energy within the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. |
Dr. Albert Verdaguer: Water interactions and surface functionalisation. Hydrophylic – Hydrophibic interactions. |
Dr. Echevarria works with us on Laser Spectroscopy and Material Characterization. |
Dr. Alessandro Bonilla works with us in the improvement of AFM techniques. |
Dr. Simos is collaborating with us in the fields of Nonlinear Optics and Plasmon Resonance. |
Dr. Stefano Rampino is working with us on new converters for spectrally limited concentrated solar radiation. |
Dr. Erling Oestby Sintef is our collaborator at SINTEF. |
As above, Dr. Cesare Malagu is working with us on new converters for spectrally limited concentrated solar radiation. |
We work with Dr. Ali Abbas from the University of Sydney. |
We collaboate with Dr. Maria Vittoria Diamanti from the Polytechnic University of Milan. |